I am looking forward to capturing the look of disappointment on my boys face as he opens " Fifa 2006" .....of course I also have wrapped up for him " Fifa 2016".
Merry Xmas one and all, and hope to see you all next year.
The Rebel.
and they were amazing, 8 years of my boy growing up captured on a few films i once made.. the past is of course not the only thing to look forward to, but as i watch these movies i see so many acts of love and so many perfect times that i had forgotten.. so my question is do you have " the greatest ( photos) or movies in your collection" that you may have neglected?
if so my xmas present to you is, take them out the drawer and dust the cobwebs away...... the rebel..
I am looking forward to capturing the look of disappointment on my boys face as he opens " Fifa 2006" .....of course I also have wrapped up for him " Fifa 2016".
Merry Xmas one and all, and hope to see you all next year.
The Rebel.
" the opposite of knowledge is love".
the rebel.. i believe a poster named " cofty" once replied to my great thought " the opposite of knowlege is love" with the comment :-.
" bollocks" .
Cofty " Occassionally an assertion appears on the forum that is so egregious that it really doesn't deserve the time and energy to refute it"
In that case Cofty, I now feel confident I can proclaim myself on this forum as " the worlds greatest lover" in the knowledge that my comment is so egregious nobody will be bothered to refute it.
Merry Xmas everybody, and hope to find you all here in the New Year.
The Rebel.
" the opposite of knowledge is love".
the rebel.. i believe a poster named " cofty" once replied to my great thought " the opposite of knowlege is love" with the comment :-.
" bollocks" .
Shepherdless " But if someone responds with " BOLLOCKS " that is just pathetic"
The Rebel (A) ..........I think the " BOLLOCKS" comments are brilliant, I would even go so far to say.......funny.
Cofty is a brilliant poster, and whilst I don't always ( in fact rarely) agree with what he says, I think his use of the phrase " Bollocks" is often used without exaggeration, and entirely justified.....however the O.P of this thread was really about why everybody gets so offended about nothing these days?
The Rebel.
" the opposite of knowledge is love".
the rebel.. i believe a poster named " cofty" once replied to my great thought " the opposite of knowlege is love" with the comment :-.
" bollocks" .
Sir 82 :-
"I have no idea what the thought " the opposite of knowledge is love " is even trying to express.
The Rebel. ....great point and thought "Sir 82 " here is my answer:-
A) I believe religion, advertising, marketing, and a persons ego is " BOLLOCKS" . Yet to say a person can live with out " BOLLOCKS" is noncence, or should I say ." BOLLOCKS" ....this is what unites the athiest and believer....the evolution of what we once believed will I believe someday become " BOLLOCKS" ...
The Rebel.
" the opposite of knowledge is love".
the rebel.. i believe a poster named " cofty" once replied to my great thought " the opposite of knowlege is love" with the comment :-.
" bollocks" .
Je.Suis...thank you for your comment...in Coftys defence, I took the " Bollocks" comment as tongue in cheek.....my point was we have issues on this board about if God exists or if God does not exist....we have issues about abortion, ....we have issues about guns.....we have issues about ect, ect, ect, and I say it's all BOLLOCKS, because what matters is we are all escapees from the WATCHTOWER." Cult.
The Rebel
" the opposite of knowledge is love".
the rebel.. i believe a poster named " cofty" once replied to my great thought " the opposite of knowlege is love" with the comment :-.
" bollocks" .
The Rebel.
I believe a poster named " Cofty" once replied to my great thought " The opposite of knowlege is love" with the comment :-
And the reality is I believe " Cofty" was right my thought was :-
I am also sure the study of human knowledge will In the future ultimately discover we are "ALL" talking:-
So l I believe we should all have a tolerant attitude to each other's:-
Or at least my hope is that our " OUBITORY" regardless of belief, culture, or circumstance will say " Escaped the Watchtower" and its mind control, and manipulative language.... So I am glad I learnt tolerance and not to dislike so many that now hate me.
The Rebel.
despite claims to the contrary, there's no guarantee the watchtower will be around in a few decades time.
and it seems to me there's ever mounting evidence that the opposite may well be true.
but it's not just that recruitment is down and their defectors are up.
An interesting O.P " The Watchtower is not invincible"
Yet 10 years ago who would have believed " The Watchtower" would have embraced the Internet, created its own tv channel, and have its own flag?
Sadly I also believe the " Watchtower" has created its own poetry, a language it expresses in its literature about a day when billions will be slaughtered by Jehover. Sadly this religious poetry will always appeal to some of my neighbours, and those who live in a tower block.
Therefore I think the interesting question is why does the slaughter of billions on Jehovers day at Armageddon appeal and attract a following?
My answer is because there is something terribly wrong with society, and the " Watchtower" exploits this and offers a world that doesn't judge people by materalistic success. Instead it offers members a world not controlled by T.V, Nike, McDonald's and Coco-Cola....and in many ways the " Watchtower" world is very appealing.
Today on the news I learnt :-
A) That Global warming is real,
B) That refugees have a horrible life,
C) That David Beckams son wants to be a photographer,
D) That people have been queing for a week to be at the premier of the latest star- wars movie.
When I last checked my national newspaper on the Internet, the Beckham and Star-wars stories had more comments than the Global warming and refugee crisis.
My point is I believe people join cults because our society is such a mess.
The Rebel.
i seem to recall years ago that someone posted some watchtower "art" with a typical wiping out the wicked at armageddon scene - you know, city blocks crashing to the ground - guy with a gun, cars falling into crevices, and there was a middle aged guy with his eyeglasses/spectacles hanging off his face led dead in the foreground.. it was suggested that in this was supposed to be ray franz.
not in words but in what the character drawn looked like.
a sort of sick "in-joke" for schroeder and jaracz worshippers in the writing department.. am i dreaming this?
Hi freddo, interesting O.P.
I remember the picture you refer to in the " Revelation" book. I had never connected the middle aged man as Ray Franz, but regardless of whether it was not, the important points are :-
A) That an organisation can print such horrible images of adults and children being destroyed by God.
B) That the organisations members, can look at such horrible pictures and get PLEASURE that there vengeful God would carry out such a slaughter.
We should be glad, we questiond saw through the lies and left such an organisation.
The Rebel.
and they were amazing, 8 years of my boy growing up captured on a few films i once made.. the past is of course not the only thing to look forward to, but as i watch these movies i see so many acts of love and so many perfect times that i had forgotten.. so my question is do you have " the greatest ( photos) or movies in your collection" that you may have neglected?
if so my xmas present to you is, take them out the drawer and dust the cobwebs away...... the rebel..
Listener & under the radar, thanks for the replys.
We are very lucky to have these personal films that give meaning to our existence,
Yesterday I watched with my boy now 10, year 4 of his life and It meant so much to hiim, as he saw himself laughing hysterically at Buster Keaton and Laurel and Hardy. How in a temper fit he completely wrecked the kitchen and as I filmed the mess he kept saying " stop filming Mike save the battery" whilst trying to fix mummies flowers that he had destroyed.
Most importantly my films have made me realise that each day has many special moments, and very few of those special moments are captured on film.
The Rebel.
and they were amazing, 8 years of my boy growing up captured on a few films i once made.. the past is of course not the only thing to look forward to, but as i watch these movies i see so many acts of love and so many perfect times that i had forgotten.. so my question is do you have " the greatest ( photos) or movies in your collection" that you may have neglected?
if so my xmas present to you is, take them out the drawer and dust the cobwebs away...... the rebel..
Yes film is amazing " Listener" . My boy is 10 now, and looking back on films I made which started at his birth, I realised I have captured his first words on film, a voice that became the adventures of his imaginary friend " Molly". This year also had many wonderful moments but none of them captured on film. Maybe capturing it on film isn't so important, when it's in the heart? but the films I made of my boy growing up are now my most treasured " material" possession. They may even in the future be viewed by my boys children's, children someday.....so in my opinion " The greatest films ever made" should be made and then not left in a drawer never to be viewed again.
The Rebel.